Often back pain in the lumbar region

For the ability to walk on two legs, the human race pays with back pain. If the back periodically hurts in the lumbar region, it can be a sign of severe fatigue or the result of a long stay in an uncomfortable position while working or sleeping. But the reasons could be more serious.

Causes of pain

back pain in the lumbar region

The lower back is one of the most painful areas. There are reasons for this:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Slipped disc;
  • tumors;
  • tissue infections.

The nature and intensity of the pain depend on the disease. And he worries in several ways: after sleep, exercise, overwork. For example, renal colic is constantly accompanied by pain in the lower back. And the patient's type of activity doesn't matter here.

lumbar back pain
  • Most often it hurts in the lumbar region due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Moderate in its intensity pain in a state of sleep, aggravated by physical exertion. Constantly tormented by a feeling of fatigue. The feeling of heaviness causes the desire to lie down. But relief doesn't always follow.
  • If there is a herniated disc, severe pain occurs after sudden movements, heavy lifting, falling.
  • If the hernia is compressed, there is a sharp pain, characterized as low back pain. Movement in the lumbar region is significantly limited. Damage to the nerve root gives a pain signal to the leg.
  • In old age, stenosis of the intervertebral canal often occurs. One sign is limp, numbness in the legs, especially after a long walk.
  • The stiffness that occurs in the morning in the spinal region indicates the onset of the development of Bechterew's disease. Initially, acute pain sensations appear in the sacral region, then spread to the lumbar region. The sensation after sleep is not rest, but fatigue, which disappears with the onset of motor activity. Young people are the most affected by the disease. The disease is hereditary. Basically, the lower back hurts in the supine position.
  • Acute pain in the lower back also occurs with pyelonephritis (an inflammatory process in the kidneys). They are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, swelling in the morning after sleep.
  • Often a disease such as an abdominal aortic aneurysm develops in older men. Aching pains and throbbing in the abdomen are the result of aortic pressure on nearby organs.
  • Back pain, fever, burning along the nerve are signs of shingles. This viral disease affects the cells of the spinal cord. A pink rash appears on the body, and subsequently boils.
  • Another common disease that many consider harmless is flat feet. A deformed foot increases the load on the spine when walking. During sleep, the pain is relieved.
  • If there are congenital changes in the vertebrae: an irregular shape or a change in the crack, sooner or later they will make themselves felt.
  • Autoimmune diseases, in particular multiple sclerosis, cause pain of various locations. Including back pain.
swelling of the head as a cause of lower back pain

There are other reasons why it hurts a lot in the lower back. It can be osteoporosis, infections of the genitourinary system, hemorrhoids, tumor diseases, complications after viral or bacterial infections. And also physiological changes that affect women and occur during pregnancy and childbirth.

Pain caused by diseases of the internal organs

When one wonders why the back hurts in the lumbar region, it is sometimes difficult to believe that the reasons may be within the organs. The fact is that in some cases pain sensations from internal organs are "radiated" to the lumbar region.

  • Right pleurisy, pneumonia: the causes of pain in the lumbar region on the right. Associated symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, fever. Left pleurisy sends pain signals to the left side of the lower back, which are aggravated by bending over in the supine position during sleep.
  • Cholelithiasis also localizes sharp pains to the right, just above the waist, and they are accompanied by belching, nausea. They have a penetrating character.
  • pain in internal organs that radiate to the lower back
  • Girdle pain in the lower back occurs due to pancreatitis. His companions are nausea and vomiting.
  • Severe pain under the left shoulder blade is often the result of a myocardial infarction.
  • For men, prostate pathology causes pain in the area below the waist, with a passage to the sacrum. Women have cystitis.
  • Diseases of the distal digestive tract: the causes of pain below the waist.

Pain provokers

Pain can also be caused by factors such as:

  1. Hypothermia of the body.
  2. Intense physical activity.
  3. Some sports (bodybuilding, bodybuilding, weight lifting, weight training).
  4. Ratchet.
  5. Fracture.
  6. The menstrual cycle in women.
  7. Wrong power supply.
  8. Fatigue.
  9. Uncomfortable posture during sleep.
Bad posture during sleep as a cause of back pain

Back pain in the lumbar region in children

New technologies have brought not only benefits to our world, but also harm. How come? Because the love of a computer from an early age deprives children of full physical activity, forms incorrect posture.

Important: If you choose the right chair and table for your child, the curvature of the spine can be avoided!

Scoliosis can develop by wearing a heavy backpack, flat feet, uncomfortable shoes. Make sure you treat it! Children are contraindicated in excessive physical activity, weight lifting. When you train in the sports section, you should be especially sensitive to the child's complaints about back discomfort after training. We can talk about a hernia of the spine. Timely treatment will allow the child to live a full life.

doctor examining the back of a child with lower back pain

Types of pain

The nature of pain is divided into the following types:

  • Spasms in the long muscles of the back cause sharp pain. This happens due to stretching. The problem is familiar to athletes and people whose specific professions are associated with stress on the back muscles. In the supine position, the pain subsides slightly. The place of the main localization is the lower back.
  • A spinal injury, namely a fracture, is very dangerous. It can happen from an unsuccessful fall or become a consequence of osteoporosis, Paget's disease, hyperparathyroidism.
  • Displacement of the intervertebral discs causes pain due to compression of the nerve roots. For this reason, the patient's mobility is limited, sensitivity is reduced, and knee tearing is reduced. The danger of this disease is also that healthy vertebrae begin to hurt, and this leads to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and is the cause of restless sleep.
  • Facet joint syndrome causes back pain in 31% of cases. This degenerative process captures the capsule of the intervertebral joints and causes pain not only in the lower back, but also in the legs. The lower back hurts in a sitting position, with side bending or tilting of the back, with a long standing position.
  • The inflammatory process of an infectious nature in the epidural space is a very serious and dangerous disease. It can be fatal if not treated in time.


Seeing a doctor immediately in case of back pain is the key to successful treatment. Even if the pain only bothers you at night or after sleep, there is a reason to visit a specialist.

After analyzing the causes, the doctor will give recommendations on how to treat and not get sick. The treatment will be complex, with the use of ointments, tablets, injections, massages and physiotherapy exercises.

medical examination for back pain

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs rank first in the treatment of lower back pain:

  1. At the initial stage, literally in the first 3-5 days, the treatment is carried out with the help of injections to relieve pain and inflammation. They act quickly, effectively relieving acute pain by directly injecting the drug into the blood or muscles.
  2. Then anti-inflammatory and analgesic tablets, chondroprotectors, irritating drugs are used (in each case separately).
  3. In addition, an ointment treatment is applied. Properly selected ointment helps relieve inflammation in the affected area, and also warms (if necessary).

Reflex muscle tension is removed with the help of muscle relaxants. With their help, the pain syndrome is treated and mobility is restored. Apply for 3 to 7 days.

Vitamin preparations of group B are a necessary addition to the main therapy.

back pain pills

In some cases it is necessary to stop drugs. The anesthetic is administered via the epidural or paravertebral route. It is used for degenerative changes in the spine.

Physiotherapy treatment:

  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Magnetotherapy.

The massage relieves acute pain by improving blood circulation. Kneading the muscles has a beneficial effect on the elasticity and flexibility of the ligaments. To improve the overall tone of the body and only with the permission of the attending physician, the massage is combined with a bath or sauna. You cannot warm up during the infectious process!

Pain during pregnancy can be relieved by wearing a special bandage.

Wearing orthopedic insoles is mandatory for patients with flat feet.


Exercise is also a cure. They strengthen the back muscles, improve posture, increase muscle tone and increase blood circulation. They are used not only in the complex of therapeutic therapy, but also for the prevention of pain in the lumbar region. As in the case of drug therapy, therapeutic exercises are prescribed in each case individually, analyzing the main causes of the disease. But there are several general exercises, each of which is performed 5-10 times, preferably in the morning, avoiding overwork.

  1. In a standing position, tilt your body alternately to the right, forward, backward, left.
  2. Standing upright, feet shoulder-width apart, turn the body to the sides.
  3. In the position on all fours, make a "kitten": arching the back in the lower back.
  4. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, arms along the body. Raise and lower your pelvis, gradually increasing your range of motion.
  5. Lying on your back, legs straightened, arms along the body. Alternatively, bend your legs at the knees, then pull up to your chest.
  6. Standing on all fours, alternately swing your legs.

Whatever the reasons, only a specialist can determine why the back hurts, identify the "culprit" of the disease and prescribe the correct and effective treatment. As with any other disease, self-medication is not worth it! Any drug can not only heal, but also harm if chosen incorrectly.